Regional Assessment for Behavioral Health Professionals

As part of the Medicaid Transformation Project, SWACH has distributed an assessment to Providers in our region. This is the second in a series of assessments SWACH is fielding in early 2018 aimed at developing an understanding of the current state of clinical partners’ capacity and functionality related to a number of areas, including:

  • Health information technology (HIT)
  • Workforce capacity
  • Value based payment (VBP)
  • Bi-directional integration (behavioral and physical health)
  • Care coordination
  • Opioid treatment, and
  • Chronic disease management

Information provided will be used by SWACH and its advisory Councils and workgroups to inform Medicaid Transformation Project implementation, establish a baseline for state reporting requirements, and to develop technical assistance and training resources for partners.A webinar was hosted on March 22nd to review the assessment and address any questions from partners. A recording of that webinar is available here. If you have any questions, including about receiving a link to participate in the assessment, please contact Daniel Smith or 503-549-6495.[video_embed url="" embed_style="default" width="800" animation="scale-up" animation_delay="300"]


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